5 Internet Resources for Master’s in Counseling Students

Online Counseling Degree If you’re interested in helping people, then consider a career in counseling. With a master’s degree in counseling, you’ll have the educational background to work in a mental health or academic setting. Since master’s programs are research and study intensive, you’ll likely need help from a few sources to succeed. Five Internet resources for students who are working toward their master’s in counseling include the:

  • OCD, Panic and Anxiety Blog
  • Good Therapy site
  • American Counseling Association
  • American Academy of Grief Counseling
  • Addiction Professional webpage

1. OCD, Panic and Anxiety Blog

The OCD, Panic and Anxiety blog offers disorder identification help. Consider using the site for thesis development purposes. The blog features tips for coping with the symptoms of mental disorders. It also has a research section, and this makes it an especially helpful resource for you. With categories that focus on psychotherapy and general mental disorders, you’ll have in-depth information that will assist you in the classroom and during your clinical requirements. The site’s news section will alert you to advanced treatments and breakthroughs while the meditation page explains drug-free techniques for managing OCD, panic disorders and anxiety ailments.

2. Good Therapy

Good Therapy is a resource dedicated to helping new counselors become familiar with the basic ethical guidelines that all mental health professionals should follow. The site includes links to specialized ethical codes. These include the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy, the United States Association for Body Psychotherapy and the National Association of Social Workers. The site has sections that detail tips for treating addictions, family problems and eating disorders. Good Therapy also features categories that focus on therapy techniques along with therapy types, which may help you narrow down your career path.

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3. American Counseling Association

The American Counseling Association assists counselors in different specialties. By becoming a member, you’ll have access to webinars, journals and publications. This resource will help you enhance your counseling skills to make the most of your degree. The association presents the latest counseling research, and it gives you a way to network with others in your field. Podcasts are available through the resource as is advice for those who are in private practice. The resource features a connection for school counselors, and it has a section that focuses on counseling recommendations for patients who have dealt with trauma or disaster situations. Through the site, you’ll receive licensing information and job-hunting tips.

4. American Academy of Grief Counseling

Grief is a common treatment area, so you will likely have classes that focus on the topic. The American Academy of Grief Counseling is a resource that you can use while you are studying for your master’s degree and after you begin your career. Visit the site for comprehensive grief information. This includes embracing your role as that of a grief counselor. Use the resource to learn about the field’s code of ethics and to gain information about the grief counselor certification program. To determine whether your skills would be a good fit for the career area, visit the site’s FAQ section.

5. Addiction Professional

The Addiction Professional is a resource site that’s dedicated to helping those who suffer from all types of addictions. You can turn to the site for ways to help people overcome these issues. Pain management advice and treatment tips are available through the resource. It will also help you manage a patient’s recovery and aftercare. The site has webinars available along with professional advice, and it will help you develop group therapy techniques. On the site, you’ll have access to podcasts, videos and white papers. These come in handy when you need to write a paper or study for a test. The Addiction Professional can help you complete your master’s program successfully.

Related Resource: Top 15 Online Masters in Counseling Degree Programs 2015

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Helping Others

By earning your master’s in counseling, you’ll have the chance to help those who struggle with a variety of mental health problems. The extra education will give you the supervisory skills to head departments and oversee entire clinics. A master’s degree in counseling will let you reach more people in need.